本实验室现为中国硅酸盐学会理事单位、中国仪器仪表功能材料学会常务理事单位,通过了(GJB9001C-2017)国军标“武器装备质量管理体系” 认证。
甄强 教授
![]() 甄强博士,教授,博士生导师,基础研究与国际合作处处长,上海市优秀技术带头人,江西省赣鄱英才人才计划(现为江西省千人计划)特聘教授,“上海先进陶瓷结构设计与精密制造专业技术服务平台”主任,“古陶瓷多元信息提取技术及应用”文化部重点实验室副主任,材料复合及先进分散技术教育部工程研究中心/上海大学先进功能材料实验室负责人。香港大学访问学者,法国里尔科技大学任访问教授。现为英国皇家化学学会会员、美国化学会会员;中国硅酸盐学会理事、中国仪器仪表学会功能材料分会常务理事、《功能材料》期刊编委;中国金属学会耐火材料分会理事。 先后负责包括国家自然科学基金、总装备部预研基金、国际合作计划、上海市科委人才计划项目等科研课题40余项。现已在Springer-Verlag Gmbh Heidelberg,Nature(施普林格,自然)出版专著1部Nanostructured Materials for Next Generation Energy storage and Conversion Vol.3:《Advanced Battery and Supercapacitor》,在《Chemistry of Materials》等国内外期刊发表论文100余篇。申报国家发明专利40余项,已获授权20余项。荣获上海市科技进步奖二等奖(排名第一),作为主要参加人的科研成果荣获“省部级科技进步奖”4项,荣获省级先进个人1项。 |
项目来源 | 项目名称 | 执行时间 | 经费 (万元) | 备注 |
国家自然科学基金 (51872184) | 碳-碳复合材料/SiC-SiC(w)过渡层/纳米晶陶瓷-玻璃致密防护层的成分设计、结构及性能 | 2019.1-2022.12 | 60 | 负责 |
国家自然科学基金 (51672170) | 煤矸石可控制备纳米分子筛-活性炭复合材料的性能与机理研究 | 2017.1-2020.12 | 62 | 负责 |
国家自然科学基金 (51472156) | 阴极表面Ce0.8Y0.2O1.9/Ba1.0Co0.7Fe0.2Nb0.1O3-δ多孔纳米涂层提高中温固体氧化物燃料电池性能的机理 | 2015.1-2018.12 | 87 | 负责 |
国家自然科学基金 (51272154) | 纳米粒子基体改性碳/碳复合材料在超高温条件下的化学反应、结构演变和性能 | 2013.012016.12 | 85 | 负责人 |
中央军委装发重点基金 (41424040618) | 基于多层纳米涂层的封装抗辐射加固技术研究 | 2019.12-2020.12 | 70 | 负责 |
上海市优秀带头人计划 (17XD1424700) | 原位生长纳米晶须增强高性能耐火材料的研究 | 2017.5-2020.4 | 40 | 负责 |
广东省重点产学研项目 (2013B090600025) | 节能红外辐射绝热纳米材料关键技术及其在陶瓷窑炉中的应用 | 2013.5-2016.4 | 30 | 负责 |
上海市科委项目 | 晶须增强先进碳碳复合材料结构设计与性能研究 | 2020.9-2023.8 | 80 | 负责 |
国家重点研发计划项目 (2018YFE0306100) | 聚变用ODS低活化钢及热沉铜的高效制备与性能优化 | 2018.1-2023.11 | 3933 | 负责 |
国家自然科学基金 (51072112) | 混合导体透氧膜的空气侧涂层及增进透氧机理 | 2011.1~2013.12 | 40 | 负责 |
国家自然科学基金 (20101006) | 国微波等离子体烧结纳米氧化铋基固体电解质的研究 | 2002.01-2004.12 | 14 | 负责 |
2018年上海市科技进步二等奖:“基于材料设计的钢铁冶炼用耐火材料长寿化关键技术” (排名第一)
2017年,“清洁能源汽车-燃料电池驱动平台”项目获“春晖杯” 中国教育部国际合作与交流司 创新创业大赛优胜奖(排名第二,中方第一)
Qiang ZHEN,Bashir,Jingbo Louise LIU, Springer Verlag Gmbh Heidelberg-Nature(施普林格-自然)Nanostructured Materials for Next Generation Energy storage and Conversion Vol.3:《Advanced Battery and Supercapacitor》
(1)Jing Wang, Feng Zheng*, Mingjun Li, Jiao Wang, Donghua Jia, Xiaodong Mao, Pengfei Hu, Qiang Zhen*, Yi Yu, V2O5@RuO2 core-shell heterojunction nano-arrays as electrode material for supercapacitors, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 446, 136922 (I区,IF:16.744).
(2) Jiao Wang, Feng Zheng⁎, Mingjun Li, Donghua Jia, Xiaodong Mao, Jifang Fu, Pengfei Hu, Qiang Zhen*, Yi Yu, Facile preparation of porous single crystal NiO nanoflake array directly grown on nickel foam for supercapacitive electrode material, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 913, 165280 (II区top,IF:6.371).
(3) Pengfei Hu, Shiqing Xu, Chen Xie, Shuyu Hu, Yali Cao, Feng Zheng*, Aerosol particles with NaCl-inlay in coastal haze-fog episodes, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 2022, 15, 59-71 (IF:5.804).
(4) Shen S, Song S, Wang J, Li R*, Li X, Zhen Q*, Anisotropic binary TiB2-SiC composite powders: Synthesis and microwave absorption properties, Ceramics International, 2022, 48(4): 5119-5129.
(5) Li X, Zhang T, Chen C, Song S, Shen S, He G, Li Z, Li R*, Zhen Q*. Bashir S, Liu J, Preparation of TiB2-SiC composites toughened with interlocking microstructure by self-assembled TiB2 plates, Ceramics International, 2022, 48(6): 8579-8588.
(6)Liya Chen, Jifang Fu, Xingfa Zeng, Jia Zhou, Peisong Zong, Feng Zheng, Yang Liu, Guozhang Zhao, Shengfang Li, Liyi Shi, Hybrids gel electrolytes with pending polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane toward improving interfacial stability for lithium ion batteries, Journal of Materials Research, 2022, DOI:10.1557/s43578-022-00529-x.
(7) Mingjun Li, Feng Zheng*, Yongli Xiao, Yunze Guan, Jiao Wang, Qiang Zhen*, Yi Yu, Utilization of residual heat to prepare high performance foamed glass-ceramic from blast furnace slag and its reinforce mechanism, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 156, 391-404 (II区,IF:7.926).
(8) Hui Li, Mingjun Li, Feng Zheng*, Jing Wang, Lai Chen, Pengfei Hu, Qiang Zhen*, Sajid Bashir, Jingbo Louise Liu, Efficient removal of water pollutants by hierarchical porous zeolite-activated carbon prepared from coal gangue and bamboo, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 325, 129322 (I区,IF:11.072).
(9) Jing Wang, Feng Zheng*, Yi Yu, Pengfei Hu, Mingjun Li, Jiao Wang, Jifang Fu, Qiang Zhen*, Sajid Bashir, Jingbo Louise Liu, Symmetric supercapacitors composed of ternary metal oxides (NiO/V2O5/MnO2) nanoribbon electrodes with high energy storage performance, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 426, 131804 (I区,IF:16.744).
(10) Feng Zheng, Mingjun Li, Jing Wang, Cuiping Xi, Jifang Fu, Qiang Zhen*, Zheng Jiao, Fei Li, Sajid Bashir, Jingbo Louise Liu, Effective utilization of extracted titanium tailing to prepare high performance glass-ceramic and their formation mechanism, Ceramics International, 2021, 47, 17391-17399 (II区top,IF:5.532).
(11) Hua Zhang, Yao-zha Lv, Chang Chen, Rong-sheng Chen, Yang Li, Hong-wei Ni, Feng Zheng*, Preparation of stainless steel mesh-supported ZnO and graphene/ZnO nanorod arrays with high photocatalytic performance, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2021, 28, 874-888 (IF:1.619).
(12) Tianzhen Li, Yongli Fan, Kaiyi Wang, Shaolei Song, Xiaomeng Liu, Naijing Bu*, Rong Li, Qiang Zhen*, Sajid Bashir, Methyl-modified silica hybrid fluorinated Paraloid B-72 as hydrophobic coatings for the conservation of ancient bricks, Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 299: 123906-123916.
(13)Li R, Liu XM, He GZ, Hu, PF, Zhen Q*, Liu J, Bashir, S, Green catalytic synthesis of ammonia using solid oxide electrolysis cells composed of multicomponent materials. Catalysis Today, 2021, 374: 102-116.
(14)Yang Liu, Wenbo Liu, Mingyuan Zhu, Ying Li, Wenxian Li, Feng Zheng, Liying Shen, Mengyue Dang, Jiujun Zhang, Coating ultra-thin TiN layer onto LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode material by atomic layer deposition for high-performance lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 888, 161594.
(15) Junyu Zhang, Kaixuan Cui, Bo Huang, Mingjie Zheng, Xiaodong Mao. Influence of heat input on the microstructure and mechanical properties of CLAM steel multilayer butt-welded joints. Fusion Eng. Des. 152 (2021) 111413.
(16) Zhiyuan Xu, Shaojun Liu, Liangliang Song, Xinyi Yang, Yanyun Zhao, Xiao-Dong Mao. Effect of silicon on oxidation behaviour of 9Cr-ODS steel at 650 ℃. Fusion Eng. Des. 167 (2021) 112384.
(17) Xu Zhang, Haibo Cao, Xinyi Yang, Xinyi Yang, Yanyun Zhao, Xiaodong Mao, Yutao Zhai. Enhanced thermal stability of the cellular structure through nano-scale oxide precipitation in 3D printed 316L stainless steel. Fusion Eng. Des. 164 (2021) 112213.
(18) Naijing Bu, Xiaomeng Liu, Shaolei Song, Jinghang Liu, Qiang Yang, Rong Li, Feng Zheng, Linhuan Yan, Qiang Zhen*, Junfang Zhang, Synthesis of NaY zeolite from coal gangue and its characterization for lead removal from aqueous solution, Advanced Powder Technology, 2020, 31, 2699-2710.
(19) Qi Lu, Linna Dong, Liya Chen, Jifang Fu*, Liyi Shi, Mengmeng Li, Xingfa Zeng, Hong Lei, Feng Zheng, Inorganic-organic gel electrolytes with 3D cross-linking star-shaped structured networks for lithium ion batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 393, 124708.
(20) Chen Hu, Yu-Tao Zhai, Liang-Liang Song, Xiao-Dong Mao, Structure-thermal activity relationship in a novel polymer/MOF‐based neutron‐shielding material. Polym. Composite. 41 (2020) 1418-1427.
(21) Song SL, Fan YL, Li R*, Lin YH, Zhen Q*, Synthesis and formation mechanism of nanocrystalline ZrB2-Al2O3 composite powders via an amorphous precursor, Rare Metals, 2020, 40(7): 1801-1807.
(22) He GZ, Liu XM, Li R*, Zhai D, Liu Y, Xie C, Hu PF, Zhen Q*, Bashir S, Liu J*. Silver-Modified Ba1–xCo0.7Fe0.2Nb0.1O3− Perovskite Performing as a Cathodic Catalyst of Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(8): 9421-9433.
(23) Zheng F, Wang J, Liu WB, Zhou JM, Li Hui, Yu Y, Hu PF, Yan W, Liu Y, Li R*, Zhen Q*, Zhang JJ. Novel Diverse-Structured h-WO3 Nanoflake Arrays as Electrode Materials for High Performance Supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta 2020, 334: 135641.
(24) Hui Li, Feng Zheng∗, Jing Wang, Jianmin Zhou, Xiaohui Huang, Lai Chen, Pengfei Hu, Jian-ming Gao, Qiang Zhen*, Sajid Bashir, Jingbo Louise Liu*, Facile preparation of zeolite-activated carbon composite from coal gangue with enhanced adsorption performance, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 390, 124513 (I区,IF:16.744).
(25) Cuiping Xi, Jianmin Zhou, Feng Zheng*, Jian-ming Gao, Pengfei Hu, Yang Li, Qiang Zhen*, Sajid Bashir, Jingbo Louise Liu, Conversion of extracted titanium tailing and waste glass to value-added porous glass ceramic with improved performances, Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 261, 110197 (II区top,IF:8.91).
(26) Feng Zheng, Jing Wang, Wenbo Liu, Jianmin Zhou, Hui Li, Yi Yu, Pengfei Hu, Wei Yan, Yang Liu, Rong Li, Qiang Zhen, Jiujun Zhang, Novel diverse-structured h-WO3 nanoflake arrays as electrode materials for high performance supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 334, 135641 (II区top,IF:7.336).
(27) Jianmin Zhou, Feng Zheng∗, Hui Li, Jing Wang, Naijing Bu, Pengfei Hu, Jian-ming Gao, Qiang Zhen*, Sajid Bashir, Jingbo Louise Liu, Optimization of post-treatment variables to produce hierarchical porous zeolites from coal gangue to enhance adsorption performance, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 381, 122698 (I区,IF:16.744).
(28) Xinyi Yang, Liangliang Song, Bo Chang, Qi Yang, Xiaodong Mao*, Qunying Huang. Development of Gd-Si-O Dispersion 316L Stainless Steel for Improving Neutron Shielding Performance. Nucl. Mater. Energy 23(2020) 100739.
(29) Naijing Bu, Xiaomeng Liu, Shaolei Song, Jinghang Liu, Qiang Yang, Rong Li, Feng Zheng, Linhuan Yan, Qiang Zhen*, Junfang Zhang. Synthesis of NaY zeolite from coal gangue and its characterization for lead removal from aqueous solution. Advanced Powder Technology, 2020, 31: 2699-2710.
(30) Feng Zheng, Cuiping Xi, Jiahe Xu, Yi Yu, Weiguang Yang, Pengfei Hu, Yang Li, Qiang Zhen, Sajid Bashir, Jingbo Louise Liu, Facile preparation of WO3 nano-fibers with super large aspect ratio for high performance supercapacitor, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 772, 933-942 (II区top,IF:6.371).
(31) Chen Hu, Juan-Ding Xiao, Xiao-Dong Maoc, Liang-Liang Song, Xin-Yi Yang, Shao-Jun Liu. Toughening mechanisms of epoxy resin using aminated metal-organic framework as additive. Mater. Lett. 240 (2019) 113-116.
(32) Liangliang Song, Xinyi Yang, Yanyun Zhao, Wei. Wang, Xiaodong Mao*. Si-containing 9Cr ODS steel designed for high temperature application in lead-cooled fast reactor. J. Nucl. Mater. 519 (2019) 22-29.
(33) Song SL, Xie C, Li R*, Ran SL, Hu PF, Zhen Q*, Liu JB, Bashir S. Atomic-Scale Investigation on the Growth Behavior of Rod Shape ZrB2. Ceramics International, 2019, 45 (17, Part B): 23849–23852.
(34) Zhang T, Song SL*, Xie C, He GZ, Xing BH,Li R*,Zhen Q. Preparation of Highly-Dense TiB2 Ceramic with Excellent Mechanical Properties by Spark Plasma Sintering Using Hexagonal TiB2 Plates. Mater. Res. Express 2019, 6 (12): 125055.
(35) Song SL, Lin YH, Fan YL, Li R*, Hu PF, Zhen Q*. In Situ Fabrication of ZrB2-SiC Composite Powders with Controllable Morphology by a Two-Step Calcination Method. J. Solid State Chem. 2019, 273: 101–105.
(36)Yu Gong, Feng Zheng, Juncai Dong, Pengfei An, Dongliang Yang, Zhiying Guo, Haijing Li, Yanchun Li, Xiaodong Li, Structural changes in hexagonal WO3 under high pressure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 797, 10103-1017.
(37) Yu Huang, Yang Li*, Guoyang Zhang, Wei Liu, Dan Li, Rongsheng Chen, Feng Zheng, Hongwei Ni, Simple synthesis of 1D, 2D and 3D WO3 nanostructures on stainless steel substrate for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 778, 603-611.
(38) Weitao Cao, Mingjie Zheng, Wenyi Ding, Xiaodong Mao, Chao Wang, Wei Wang, Jingping Xin. Large relrod extension induced by lattice distortion in high entropy alloy. Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 066558.
(39) Yutao Zhai, Bo Huang, Xiaodong Mao, Mingjie Zheng. Effect of hot isostatic pressing on microstructure and mechanical properties of CLAM steel produced by selective laser melting. J. Nucl. Mater. 515 (2019) 111-121.
(40) Qiang Zhen*, Zheng Li, Pengfei Hu*, Shaolei Song, Feng Zheng, A glass-ceramic coating with self-healing capability and high infrared emissivity for carbon/carbon composites, Corrosion Science, 2018, 141, 81-87.
(41) Hongwei Guo, Jun Wang, Xiuxia Zhang, Feng Zheng, Peng Li*, Study on the extraction of aluminum from aluminum dross using alkali roasting and subsequent synthesis of mesoporous γ-alumina, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B-process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 2018, 49(5), 2906-2916.
(42) Xiaogang Shi, Yang Li*, Rongsheng Chen, Hongwei Ni*, Weiting Zhan, Bowei Zhang, Feng Zheng, Shan Dong, Defective carbon nanotube forest grown on stainless steel encapsulated in MnO2 nanosheets for supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 278, 61-71.
(43) Yang Li, Haiyang Yu, Huamei Yang, Feng Zheng, Xiong Zhang, Beibei Xiong, Qiang Zhen, Hongwei Ni*, Separation and comprehensive utilization of valuable elements in Ti-bearing electric arc furnace molten slag, Journal of iron and steel research international, 2018, 25, 487-496.
(44) Yanyun Zhao, S. Liu, J. Shi, Xiaodong Mao. Experimental and numerical simulation analysis on creep crack growth behaviour of CLAM steel. Mater. Sci. Eng. A. 735 (2018) 260-268.
(45) Mengtian Liang, Yanyun Zhao, Mingjie Zheng, Xiaodong Mao. Effect of tempering time on fatigue crack growth behavior of CLAM steel. J. Nucl. Mater. 510 (2018) 437-445.
(46)(19) Yutao Zhai, Bo Huang, Zhenyu Zhang, Xiaodong Mao, Zhumin Zhao. Effect of preheating on welding cold crack sensitivity of China low activation martensitic steel. Fusion Eng. Des. 133 (2018) 32-38.
(47) Wei Wang, Xiaodong Mao, Shaojun Liu, Gang Xu, Bin Wang. Microstructure evolution and toughness degeneration of 9Cr martensitic steel after aging at 550 ℃ for 20000 h. J. Mater. Sci., 53(2018) 4574-4581.
(48) Bo Huang, Yutao Zhai, Shaojun Liu, Xiaodong Mao. Microstructure anisotropy and its effect on mechanical properties of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel fabricated by selective laser melting. J. Nucl. Mater. 500 (2018) 33-41.
(49) Jiahe Xu, Feng Zheng∗, Cuiping Xi, Yi Yu, Lai Chen, Weiguang Yang, Pengfei Hu, Qiang Zhen*, Sajid Bashir, Facile preparation of hierarchical vanadium pentoxide (V2O5)/titanium dioxide (TiO2) heterojunction composite nano-arrays for high performance supercapacitor, Journal of Power Sources, 2018, 404, 47-55 (I区,IF:9.794).
(50) Cuiping Xi, Feng Zheng*, Jiahe Xu, Weiguang Yang, Yuqing Peng, Yang Li, Peng Li, Qiang Zhen*, Sajid Bashir, Jingbo Louise Liu, Preparation of glass-ceramic foams using extracted titanium tailing and glass waste as raw materials, Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 190, 896-909 (I区,IF:7.693).
(51) Bao Wang, Wenkuan Man, Haiyang Yu, Yang Li, Feng Zheng*, Fabrication of Mo-doped WO3 nanorod arrays on FTO substrate with enhanced electrochromic properties, Materials, 2018, 11, 1627 (IF:3.057).
(52) Hanqin Gong, Feng Zheng*, Jiahe Xu, Chencen Sun, Liangchao Gao, Pengfei Hu, Yang Li, Yu Gong, Qiang Zhen*, Sajid Bashir. Preparation and supercapacitive property of Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanoflake arrays- Tungsten trioxide (WO3) nanorod arrays composite heterojunction: a synergistic effect of one-dimensional and two-dimensional nanomaterials, Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 263, 409-416 (II区top,IF:7.336).
(53) Zhen Q, Gao LC, Sun CC, Gong HQ, Hu PF*, Song SL, Li R*. Honeycomb-like TiO2@GO nanocomposites for the photodegradation of oxytetracycline. Materials Letters, 2018, 228:318-321.
(54) Sun CC, He GZ, Gao LC, Song SL, Li R*, Zhen Q*. Absorption behavior of lattice oxygen in Ce0.8Y0.2O2- at intermediate temperature. Journal of Rare Earths, 2018, 36: 630-634.
(55) Song SL, Li R*, Gao LC, Sun CC, Hu PF, Zhen Q*. Synthesis and growth behavior of micron-sized rod-like ZrB2 powders. Ceramics International, 2018, 44: 4640-4645.
(56) Jiahe Xu, Feng Zheng*, Hanqin Gong, Lai Chen, Jiaheng Xie, Pengfei Hu, Yang Li, Yu Gong, Qiang Zhen*, V2O5 nanobelt arrays with controllable morphologies for enhanced performance supercapacitors, CrystEngComm, 2017, 19, 6412-6424 (II区封面,IF:3.756).
(57) Feng Zheng, Hanqin Gong, Zheng Li, Weiguang Yang, Jiahe Xu, Pengfei Hu, Yang Li, Yu Gong, Qiang Zhen*, Tertiary structure of cactus-like WO3 spheres self-assembled on Cu foil for supercapacitive electrode materials, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 712, 345-354 (II区top,IF:6.371).
(58) Hanqin Gong, Feng Zheng*, Zheng Li, Yang Li, Pengfei Hu, Yu Gong, Shaolei Song, Fangyi Zhan, Qiang Zhen*, Hydrothermal preparation of MoS2 nanoflake arrays on Cu foil with enhanced supercapacitive property, Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 227, 101-109 (II区top,IF:7.336).
(59) Xiaodong Mao, Young Bum Chun, Chang Hee Han, Jinsung Jang. Precipitation behaviour of oxide dispersion strengthened Alloy 617, J. Mater. Sci., 52(2017) 13626-13635.
(60) Liang Liang Song, Shaojun Liu, Xiaodong Mao*. A new method for fast statistical measurement of interfacial misfit strain around nano-scale semicoherent particles. RSC Advances. 7 (2017) 28506-28512.
(61) Li R, Sun CC, Liu J, Zhen Q. Sulfur-doped CoFe2O4 nanopowders for enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity and magnetic properties. Rsc Adv. 2017, 7, 50546-50554.
(62) Jun Wu, Naijing Bu*, Hongbo Li, Qiang Zhen*, Effect of B4C on the properties and microstructure of Al2O3-SiC-C based trough castable refractories, Ceramics International, 2017, 43: 1402-1409.
(63) Naijing Bu, Jun Wu, Qiang Zhen*, Preparation of activated carbon-4A zeolite composite from quartz abundant elutrilithe and its application in wastewater treatment, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2017, 17: 766-772.
(64)Y.B. Chun, X. Mao, C.H. Han, J. Jang. Microstructural evolution and tensile properties of oxide dispersion strengthened Alloy 617 at elevated temperatures. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 706 (2017) 161-171.
(65) Zheng Li, Feng Zheng, Hanqin Gong, Pengfei Hu*, Shaolei Song, Qiang Zhen*, Study on ZrSiO4-aluminosilicate glass coating with high infrared emissivity and anti-oxidation properties, Composites Communications, 2017, 4, 16-19.
(66) Y Li, H Zhou, D Li, F Zheng, M Zhang, M Guo*, Kinetic study of titanium-bearing electric arc furnace molten slag treated by molten sodium hydroxide, Minerals & Metallurgical Processing, 2017, 34(1), 44-52.
(67) Zhang Zhongwei, Zhen Qiang*, Zheng Feng, Lu Fei, Nan Cewen, Li Rong, Wang Junshan, High-temperature diffusion behavior of ZrC in C matrix and its promotion on graphitization, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2016, 26(8), 2257-2262.
(68) Li Yang, Yu Haiyang, Yang Yang, Zheng Feng, Ni Hongwei, Zhang Mei, Guo Min, Synthesis of potassium hexatitanate whiskers with high thermal stability from Ti-bearing electric arc furnace molten slag, Ceramics International, 2016, 42(9), 11294-11302.
(69) Feng Zheng, Wang Taihe, Song Weijia, Li Rong, Li Yang, Li Peng, Zhen Qiang*, Effect of thickness, component and porosity on the polarization resistance of BaCo0.7Fe0.2Nb0.1O3-δ-Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 composite cathode, Solid State Ionics, 2016, 290, 53-61 (IF:3.699).
(70) Feng Zheng, Song Shaolei, Lu Fei, Li Rong, Bu Naijing, Liu Jia, Li Yang, Hu Pengfei, Zhen Qiang*, Hydrothermal preparation, growth mechanism and supercapacitive properties of WO3 nanorod arrays grown directly on a Cu substrate, CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 3891-3904 (II区,IF:3.756).
(71) Yang Li, Tiehong Peng, Wenkuan Man, Liangchen Ju, Feng Zheng*, Mei Zhang, Min Guo*, Hydrothermal synthesis of mixtures of NaA zeolite and sodalite from Ti-bearing electric arc furnace slag, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 8358-8366 (IF:4.036).
(72) Xiaodong Mao, Tae Kyu Kim, Suk Hoon Kang, Kyu Hwan Oh, Jinsung Jang. Evolution of ultrafine grained microstructure and nano-sized semicoherent oxide particles in austenitic oxide dispersion strengthened steel. Mater. Charact. 117 (2016) 91-98.
(73) Xiaodong Mao, Suk Hoon Kang, Tae Kyu Kim, Seul Cham Kim, Kyu Hwan Oh, Jang Jinsung. Microstructure and mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained austenitic oxide dispersion strengthened steel. Metall. Mater. Tran. A. 47A (2016) 5334-5343.
(74) Song WJ, Li R*, Zhen Q*. Preparation and characterization of YDC-BCFN as nanocoating on the cathode of IT-SOFC. Surface & Coatings Technology,2016,15:170-175 (WOS:000384855100022).
(75) Wang TH., Li R*, Zhen Q*. Decreasing the Polarization Resistance of BaCo0.7Fe0.2Nb0.1O3–δ Cathodes by Infiltration of Ce0.8Y0.2O2–δ. Full & cell, 2016, 16 (5): 611–616.
(76) Wang YH, Song WJ, Li R*, Zhen Q*. Fluorite Ce0.8Sm0.2O2-δ porous layer enhancing the oxygen permeation behavior of BaCo0.7Fe0.2Nb0.1O3-δ mixed conductor. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials. 2016, 23(6): 1-6.
(77) Wang TH, Li R*, Zhen Q*, Cheng L. Preparation and Oxygen permeability of Bi26Mo10O69 porous layer modified ionic-electronic mixed conductor on the air side. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2016, 26:1373-1378.
(78) Jia Y, Liu C*, Li R*, Photocatalytic Degradation of Oxytetracycline Using Co-precipitation Method Prepared Fe2O3/TiO2 Nanocomposite, Journal of Magnetics, 2016, 21(1): 46-50.
(79)Young-Soo Han, Xiaodong Mao, Jinsung Jang, Tae-Kyu Kim. Characterization of nano-sized oxides in Fe-12Cr oxide-dispersion-strengthened ferritic steel using small-angle neutron scattering. Appl. Phys. A 119 (2015) 249-252.
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